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Rhode Island Thrives by Design

It’s Design Week in Rhode Island (DESIGNxRI) and that's a big deal around here. Rhode Island is a hotbed of creativity and design. In fact, this tiniest of states has the 3rd largest percentage of creative sector jobs in the country. It’s an embarrassment of riches to be surrounded by so much creative talent in our Ocean State, but we're happy to take full advantage of the inspiration and collaboration.

It’s hard to say where all this creativity originates, but it definitely affects our sense of place. A creative place provides a bugle call to open-mindedness and imagination. Once you start nurturing, attracting and sustaining that talent it rubs off on all of us here. Creativity gets into our food, our architecture, shops, schools, and minds. It’s remarkably diverse, it gets into everything.

There’s always more creative potential available and we’d like to toast DESIGNxRI for its care and nurturing of our statewide opportunities. DxRI is a nonprofit economic development organization backed by a broad collaboration of community supporters who believe that design is a critical economic driver for change locally, socially and globally.

Tuesday, September 19, you're all invited to take a walk on the west side. It's our privilege, together with Long Live Beerworks and DownCity Design, to host an appreciation event at our place at 425 West Fountain Street in the Creative Capital (4-6 pm).  We'll provide the refreshments and a peek at some clever new collaborations we're working. Please bring your inspiration!

Check in with DESIGNxRI for more info and sign-up here.