Excuse Me Si Vous Plait
If you know Anne Hidalgo, can you tell her that we have a nice rain cape for her efforts. We’re not giving out capes to politicians willy-nilly, but Mayor Hidalgo of Paris is rolling out plans -- like 870 miles of bike lanes -- to make her city into a greener and more people-friendly place. She’s a bright guardian of The City of Light and would look quite magnifique in a Randy Red Rover, no?

If your French is rusty, just show Anne this news item from dētours, which compares our Rover cape to masterworks of Steven Spielberg apparently. Le cinéma is well appreciated in France and surely our “relationship” with Steven will give her pause.

The news item states: “At a time when the health situation is pushing more and more French people off public transport to get on a two-wheeler, many are looking for a viable solution against bad weather.”
Read this part to the Mayor with feeling please: La startup américaine Cleverhood en propose une des plus élégantes avec « Rover ». (Elégantes is French for elegant).
It would mean the world to us to give her some shelter to the storm. But if none of that works, it’s ok. Thanks to Anne we’ll always have Paris. And a shining example for the rest of us. Let’s hope we catch up soon.